Worst MovieStarPlanet Anti-Bullying Video

202 Görünümler • 02 Şubat 2019
99 Aboneler

Today we look at the worst MovieStarPlanet Anti Bullying Video
30k likes for a full video on MovieStar Planet x
Previous video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOGJa0ihNNw
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DISCLAIMER: Please refrain from witch-hunting anyone mentioned or showed in the video, its honestly a bit sad and not what i'm all about. I don't condone any hate being sent over to anyone I feature. My channel is solely about comedy and entertaining people and I try not to focus on the people in the videos directly more the characters, actors and story line / plot of the videos. There are times where I'm serious but I'm pretty good at making that pretty clear. Not everything I say is 100% fact checked and if you have any other problems be sure to email me (you'll find it in my about section).

Morals are social habits, Respect the line and enjoy
- Billy B

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